Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL

Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL – Meyer Exteriors – 152 South Weinland Street – Call 309-838-3934

When it comes to maintaining your home’s exterior, landscaping is obviously an essential component. The services of a good Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL will help your yard stand apart and make it more welcoming for guests. Regardless of the size and layout of your residential property, the team at Meyer Exteriors can design, install and maintain its landscape to ensure it looks great.

Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL – A few clear indicators that your yard is due for some landscaping upgrades:

-Plants dying off. There are several reasons why plants may start to wither and die. For example, perhaps they were planted too deep into the soil and their roots can’t draw enough oxygen. Or, the plants might be in an area where too much shade prevents them from getting enough sun to grow. Another common reason is that the plants could simply be the wrong type for your yard.

-Dying grass. A common problem, this is usually due to lack of proper watering or cutting the grass too short. When you mow your yard, try to cut only about one-third of the length of grass blades because cutting them short puts strain on the roots. With respect to watering, yards usually need approximately one inch of water per week.

-Lacks variety. Some homeowners choose a specific type of tree, plant or flower and plant them exclusively. While that’s fine, it’s healthy for landscapes to feature a variety of plant life. A Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL can recommend which trees and plants are ideal for your yard.

Meyer Exteriors is an experienced Landscape Contractor LeRoy IL with our main offices in nearby Cooksville. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our team. We can upgrade your yard and take excellent care of it for you! Call 309-838-3934.

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